
Quilty Thursday — 4 Comments

  1. I can totally relate to your losing your sewing mojo. I go through spells and can’t seem to get myself into my sewing room at times and then I start again and sew and quilt for hours and hours each day. Right now I can’t get myself into my sewing room again. I did sew for about one hour the other day and stopped again. Maybe I’m working myself up to it.

    • Glad to hear that other sewists run into the sewing block! I find so many other things to do than sew. But the BabyLock is out on the dining room table. Found most of my sewing tools. Now to get me in there and stitch! But first I need to…….

  2. Oh I can “sew” relate. It does come and go, I had to work so hard on getting both graduation quilts and a wedding quilt finished in time this spring. I do have a quilt I’m working on for just me, but I think I just pushed so hard that right now I work for an hour and then stop. I know the mojo will return, but for right now I’m onto other things.

    • Yes! I had a lot of projects to get done before we moved and I really pushed to finish them. Then the packing, the moving, the unpacking. Just got my quilting machine out. Now I need to make some time to get to work on this new quilt!

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