Quilty Thoughts
I’m not doing too well on my “Me Made May” projects. I suddenly needed to make a quilt. For a special purpose. And it’s top secret. At least for another week. Looking forward to sharing!
But my next project, after the top secret one, is a dress with my serger. I am conquering that machine! And looking forward to having a fun summery dress.
On another subject….
I’m getting ready to throw my picnic quilt into the washer and I wonder how “precious” are quilts? I usually read that they should be washed in the delicate cycle then line dried. When I wash my quilts for the first time I do put in a Shout color catcher. But after that? I wash and dry them just like any other blanket. I will admit sometimes I worry about FPP and Appliqué so I’m a little more careful with them. But basically. It’s a blanket. Made to be used and laundered! And I use them! And I also worry about how my quilts that I have gifted hold up. Just saw an adorable pic of one of my friend’s adorable baby on my Rock Star quilt on FB. That baby has the biggest smile ever and that many laundered quilt is hanging in there!
One of the quilts I would like to make this year is the “Storm at Sea.” I love how all those straight lines fool the eye into believing those are curves. And I love the idea of using basic solid and low volume fabrics. And mine will be blue! I loooooove blue!
A few weeks ago I purchased and downloaded a Foundation Paper Pieced (FPP) quilt pattern for “Storm at Sea”. (It was 3 bucks!) I wanted to make a wall hanging from the pattern. Just to test out how long it would take me and how I would like the appearance. FPP takes a lot longer than pieced blocks but the points are so PERFECT. But after 2 1/2 hours during one of “Sew Cool” workshops, I barely finished one part of the block.
Now, I do get questions and I’m helping others with their projects during the workshop plus I wasn’t working in my very efficient sewing corner, and maybe I wasn’t totally focused on the block, but…..it still took a lot longer than I expected. And I need more fabric than I thought. Really glad I tried this small portion before I went totally into the project. I have no deadline for this wall hanging nor do I even know if I want to make it. No pressure.

That block is going into my “orphan block” stash. Does every quilter have those? And what do you do with them? I’m planning on buying different and more fabric before attempting the wall hanging again!
But first, I need to finish my top secret project and my “me made” dress.
And speaking of my “totally efficient sewing corner”, I am still setting up my sewing room/music room/office. Going through all of my fabric, all of my office files, all of my music paraphernalia. I believe that I need to live in a space before everything jells.
My son and granddaughter called me today. Talking about stuff. My son was surprised that my granddaughter texts me on a regular basis. We text about silly things like squirtmarshmallows and kittens. She lives in North Dakota so I don’t get to see her often but those brief moments make us closer. I miss her. And her sister and her brother.
I have 8 grandbabies. And every day I worry about all my grandkids. How my heart hurts with our world right now. How my heart hurts with the latest tragedy.
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Hopefully the quilt will be needed soon!
Yes! Waiting, waiting, waiting!